Data Sharing Policy

We strongly encourage authors to share their research data to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of published studies. Research data includes the results of observations or experiments that validate research findings. This can include, but is not limited to, raw data, processed data, software, algorithms, protocols, models, methods, and other supplementary materials.

Authors who store their data in a repository can directly link the dataset to their published article, making the data more accessible and integrated with the study.

As part of this policy, authors are required to submit a Data Sharing Statement alongside their manuscript. This statement will be published online with the article if accepted for publication. It should provide details about whether de-identified participant data (including data dictionaries) will be shared—note that "undecided" is not an acceptable response. The statement should also specify what data will be shared, whether additional documents (such as the study protocol or statistical analysis plan) will be available, and outline the timeline for availability, access criteria, and mechanisms for data sharing, including who can access the data, for what purpose, and under what conditions.