Breast Fibromatosis: A Rare Benign Tumor that Mimics Sarcoma


  • Dattoli Roberta Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
  • Cammarata Rita Ausilia Ospedale isola Tiberina-Gemelli isola, Rome, Italy
  • Lo Russo Marzia Ospedale isola Tiberina-Gemelli isola, Rome, Italy
  • Squillaci Ettore Ospedale isola Tiberina-Gemelli isola, Rome, Italy
  • moscone antoinette Ospedale Isola Tiberina – Gemelli Isola, Rome, Italy



Breast fibromatosis represents a significant diagnostic challenge due to its rarity and clinical and anatomical-radiological similarity to aggressive forms of cancer such as sarcoma. This case report describes the case of a 65-year-old woman, with a history of a previous subcentimeter malignant breast neoplasm. The patient complains about worsening pain in the area of the surgical scar that radiates to the chest wall with radiological features suspicious for liponecrosis or recurrence of the disease.

Despite the intrinsic benignity of breast fibromatosis, its clinical and radiological presentation characterized by locally advanced growth patterns, it can often mimic that of a malignancy, leading to diagnostic difficulties and potential inappropriate treatments. Through the study of this case, we intend to explore the distinctive features of breast fibromatosis and the various therapeutic options, emphasizing the importance of an accurate diagnosis in order to carry out a proper management.

Left breast US. A disomogeneous ipoechoic lesion with irregular margins sospicious for malignancy. Biopsy confirms the malignant hypothesis and reveals the presence of an infiltrating ductal carcinoma.






Breast Imaging