Biliary Necrosis in Liver Lymphoma
Hepatic lymphoma is a rare condition. Biliary complication such as biliary necrosis is a potential treatment complication. We present a case where a patient with hepatic lymphoma encountered biliary necrosis after combination therapy. A 77-year-old Chinese male with biopsy proven diffuse large B cell lymphoma was treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT). He received intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) of 30.6 Gy/18 fractions to prechemotherapy volume, and 39.6 Gy/18 fractions to the post chemotherapy residual tumor, using concomitant boost technique. He was later found to have possible biliary necrosis on computed tomography scan. This was later confirmed during an intra-operative cholangiogram done for a percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage procedure. This case report demonstrates a rare case of biliary necrosis, possibly related to the natural history of tumor necrosis and treatment (combination therapy), in a patient with hepatic lymphoma.
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