Congenital Peritoneal Encapsulation: Radiological Imaging Findings of A Rare Clinical Entity - A Case Report
Congenital peritoneal encapsulations are an extremely uncommon pathology that is characterized by encapsulation of the small bowel loops by an accessory peritoneal membrane. It is commonly asymptomatic and often an incidental diagnosis during surgery or autopsy. This condition may be difficult to detect by radiological imaging and consequently remains largely underdiagnosed. We present the case of a 14 year old male patient who presented to the Department of Radiology with a history of recurrent abdominal pain and his abdominal computed tomography scan revealed features of congenital peritoneal encapsulation. This study aims to highlight the radiological features of congenital peritoneal encapsulation and to emphasize the need for radiologists and clinicians to include this entity in their list of differential diagnosis when assessing small bowel obstruction.
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