Is it really a hematoma? Rare presentation of Invasive breast carcinoma


  • Nidhi Sharma Texas A & M University, USA
  • Aadit Mehta The Oakridge School, USA



Breast cancer typically presents as a solid mass, architectural distortion, or calcifications on mammography, though it can also uncommonly present as a cystic mass based on subtype [1]. Hematoma usually presents as a cystic mass with internal echoes in hyperacute stage, subsequently turning to complicated cyst. In later stages, they appear as complex cysts with debris and thick echogenic wall with avascular mural nodule. Peripheral vascularity associated with the mass may represent interval inflammation. Clinical history of recent trauma or surgery is of great importance in the diagnosis. In the absence of recent history to account for the imaging findings, biopsy should be recommended [1]. This case report illustrates an unusual presentation of invasive ductal breast carcinoma as a hematoma in an elderly patient with history of frequent falls and offers several learning points to prevent misdiagnosis.

The left CC (a) and MLO (b) views from the post clip mammogram show the ribbon clip (arrows) at the biopsy site.






Breast Imaging