Deep Tissue Injury with Acute Myonecrosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature


  • Goh Shu Wen Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
  • Glen Ong Chern Yue Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
  • Yap Jiawei Alexander Department of Radiology, Woodlands Health, Singapore



Pressure-related injuries are a well-known complication of immobility and most frequently present as pressure sores. However, rarer presentations of such injuries can pose diagnostic challenges, delaying appropriate intervention. This paper presents an atypical case of deep tissue pressure injury manifesting as acute myonecrosis following a period of immobility. Initially, inflammatory changes in the subcutaneous and deeper tissues of the thigh were interpreted as infection, though this eventually evolved into deep tissue necrosis on follow-up imaging. Acute myonecrosis is an uncommon form of deep tissue injury, with a different initial clinical course and imaging features to classical pressure injuries. This case underscores the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion for such atypical presentations of pressure injuries, potentially reducing morbidity and mortality associated with these challenging wounds.

CT of the abdomen and pelvis of our 58-year-old female patient on admission, which shows partially imaged inflammatory changes of the right thigh (white arrow).






Musculoskeletal Radiology