Beyond the Outer Rim: A Case of Disseminated Peritoneal Leiomyomas
Case Report, Fibroids, Leiomyoma, Peritoneal, Metastasis, Dissemination, Pelvic Tumors, Uterine Masses, BenignAbstract
Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (also known as disseminated peritoneal leiomyomas) is a rare disorder consisting of multiple soft tissue masses dispersed throughout the abdominal and pelvic peritoneum, histologically characterized by benign smooth muscle bundles without atypia or mitotic activity. Although more commonly confined to the uterine parenchyma (i.e. uterine fibroids), extension to surrounding structures may occur on rare occasion. Given its worrisome appearance, it is important to keep this rare presentation in mind, as such benign masses may be mistaken for more aggressive and malignant etiologies, including lymphoma, metastatic ovarian cancer, or peritoneal carcinomatosis. We present the case of an adult female who initially presented with sharp epigastric abdominal pain, in which subsequent workup revealed the presence of multiple soft tissue lesions scattered throughout the abdomen and pelvis and confirmed to be leiomyomatous tissue in origin.Downloads
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